
Monday, 26 March 2018

A Spring Update

This half term our topic has been Colour.  

We started by writing some colour poems and choosing our favourite colours.  Isla and Harry R. did such a great job that we put theirs up on our display board...

Next we read the story of Noah's Ark. 
As a class we worked together to make a fingerprint rainbow for our class display.  Then we thought and wrote about what we would like to find at the end of a rainbow... We have some very imaginative children!

In our Understanding the World we had a go at making our own rainbows using a mirror, some water and a torch.  We also tried the Skittle experiment which created some real Wow! moments.  Watch the video and have a go at home... seriously... you'll love it! 

In our Maths session we heard how Noah sent the animals into the Ark two by two.  We practised putting the animals in our Ark two at a time and counting them as they went in. 
The animals went in two by two... hoorah! 
And here is some of Logan's lovely counting in twos...

Finally... we've been learning that the colours in a rainbow have to stay in the right order.  If you're struggling to remember the order you can always sing along to the The Rainbow Song by clicking here. 

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